Day 7 of the Valentines Day Giveaway - ADDITIONAL PRIZES!

I cannot believe that amount of success this contest has brought about. And in that case - this weekend I was trying to figure out if more prizes should be given out as I've generated such a buzz! And the answer is YES! 

Not only will a draw be held for liking the "Dragonflight Photography" facebook page but also commenting on the blog and the winner shall still win the Tiffany & Co necklace and Photo-session -

-- but NOW starting today another winner will be announce, but YOU will choose the winner of a 2nd prize photo-session. 

Simply post on the "Dragonflight Photography" facebook page a photo you've taken to facebook of you and your beloved or family, and the photo with the most "likes" on facebook will win a free photo-session as an additional bonus! Make sure you post the photo onto the Dragonflight Photography wall, and get your family and friends to like the photo! You have today-onward! So get posting! Make sure to invite your friends to Dragonflight Photography on Facebook to get them to "like" your photo!

Next week, I'll be announcing the winner to the blog prize and facebook photo-session!

Spread the love, and Happy Valentines Day!

                                               ---welcome baby Paisley - photo session from a couple weeks back---
