Terminal City Club Wedding - Edeline & Chris

It was a beautiful Saturday wedding in Vancouver and was celebrated at the Terminal City Club venue.  What a gorgeous place that completely suited Edeline & Chris. With friends and family all present and even guests all the way from out of country US & Hong Kong, you could feel the love and support for these two.

These two met at work five years ago and who knew that it would change their lives. At the Wedding guests roared out in laughter when Edeline give her speech about how they both met talking about how it was all due to LuLuLemon Yoga Pants, and Chris' appreciation for their pants. If your not giggling after reading that, clearly you aren't familiar with the Vancouver Brand 'LuLuLemon'.

I was also lucky enough to photograph their ceremony at the Terminal City Club. I love cultural traditions and it was so nice to see a tea ceremony in person. I could completely understand how important it could be to their culture to keep it, and not only that but as a parent you get that moment with your son or daughter on their wedding day. In the morning they even played the traditional 'Door Games' for Chris to win over Edeline if her ladies agreed he was worthy. In my opinion they were the sweetest of girls and lucky for Chris, weren't too hard on him.

Edeline and Chris were naturals at making anyone feel comfortable in their presence, it was simple to feel at ease. Lucky for us their parents, and bridal party were very much the same. I truly loved spending the day with these two and being apart of their beautiful wedding day.

Edeline's Aunt made the fun photo booth backdrop at the wedding

love the LMFAO head
