Dear Internet - this is going to be a long one.
You have been my loyal friend, keeping me connected to friends and family with the nifty invention of Facebook. I've shared lots with you about myself, my heart and my love but I've kept one thing from you & Dragonflight for the past three weeks. Now that all our close family and friends know...
We're both so excited to announce that Verlon and I are engaged!!!!
July 15th, In the afternoon he royally surprised me! I didn't see it coming. I feel like I haven't fully registered yet that we're engaged. We left that Friday for Vruti & Dave's wedding in Toronto then onward to Portugal we went for a blissful two weeks of visiting family, an editorial and quality time soaking up the sun on the beach.
I've known Verlon for 8 years and never would shave guessed we would end up here. I've never been happier than when I am with my best friend. Things are natural and I always get butterflies in my tummy with him. My supportive, loving and encouraging partner and I cannot wait to be his wife. God truly played a part in us finding each other and timing it all.
In the late afternoon on a Monday - a rose, card and dress arrived at my door. At first I was almost certain the delivery man had the wrong address. Here I am in my sweats, editing away, preparing for leaving on our trip and there's this card that read:
"Hello my Princess! A Chariot will await, don't be late. 7pm.
Wear The Dress! I can't wait to see you!"
Oh my gosh! My hair is a mess, I haven't showered - I didn't anticipate I was going anywhere but editing from home, how am I going to pull myself together!!! Frantically I began my girls beauty OMG must get ready go time regime. Trying to pull myself together in an attempt to match this beautiful princess dress he picked - while bouncing off the walls with excitement. Verlon always calls me his Princess, yes, please sprinkle some cheese on it. I tore apart my closet trying to find the perfect shoes. While getting ready, being the cheeseball I am, I had "Sweet Home Alabama" the movie with McDreamy and Reese playing in the background getting me all excited. 7pm rolled around and I was ready. A black sedan came to pick me up with the sweetest Italian chauffeur taking me to my surprise destination.
Up the long drive beside the rows of vines, my prince charming was waiting with roses. He opened my door and escorted me around the vineyard to a specific apple tree. I couldn't believe it, he had decked out this tree like a setting in a romance novel. I was in shock and full of giggles. He led me over to the table where he had some of my most favourite things - Paris Macaroons, sweet tea and wine (I usually only have one glass before my stomach gets upset and I adore sweet tea as we can't get it in Canada, only the US). Hanging in the tree was a chandelier swinging in the breeze that I had wanted months ago for my office.
I'll be honest and as I try to write this blog post, I can't remember the exact words he said - I was in shock, giggle, 'this is seriously happening' head space. Verlon knelt to the ground and asked me if I would marry him and that's what I remember vividly. Que - ear to ear grin, and too many giggles and a yes!
It was important to Verlon that no one be around when he asked. Afterwards, with a quick phone call to let them know it had happened, our friends came and met us at the vineyard and we had wine and enjoyed the evening followed by dinner at one of our favourite restaurant in White Rock - Uli's.
Dayne Cody - our awesome associate photographer took all the photos of Verlon and I together. For all of you who know Dayne, he's still recovering from his fall last summer but is on the mend. Dayne, your always so dependable and have always been like family to us. Thank you so much for capturing such awesome photos for us. Thank you for your friendship through the years and hopefully after you heal up, this will not be the last of your days with Dragonflight.
Verlon also made sure to get some photographs and I'm so very thankful for them so we could show our family at home.
Since we were leaving Friday morning to Toronto we wouldn't have a chance to see either of our families since they're not local. All we really knew is we wanted to announce our engagement in a fun way/different way. We had talked about doing a quick video that night, but just a quick thing at home, no big deal. But then we found out that the apple orchard was going to be turning into more vineyards and we thought how perfect it would be for something more to remember it by before they cut down the orchard. With luck and amazing talent from a friend of mine, Breanne Jansen from Fancy Feat filmed our big announcement the next evening. I was so excited to have a chance to wear the dress again and it was fun to just play around with Verlon, dancing under the tree, cuddling - finally somewhat sinking in it was real. I'm so grateful for Breanne working with us and making such an awesome video - Breanne, your talent is amazing and I hope you have a fantastic school year in Idaho - thank you so much for time, effort and everything you did. This means so much to us.
Special Note: Dayne & Shelley got in engaged last week! Verlon and I would like to just make a quick announcement to Congratulate them too! I'm so incredibly excited for these two, and my new and sweet friend Shelley. Wish you both all the best!