So I'm kicking myself in the butt today before I head out the door to meet my trainer. Yes, you read that correctly. I got myself a trainer her name is Meray at 'My Reward Fitness' (insert awesome plug here) and this is week 2 nutrition and fitness. I wouldn't ordinarily post about this but I figure if it's out on the big ol'interweb accountability to the internet gods will happen. I'm nervous and scared of this whole fitness process as I tend to neglect myself during wedding season. I put work first and eventually I would feed myself, or make excuses how I just could keep working longer and not go for a run etc. And I realized I was doing myself and my clients a disservice. We don't stop moving on a wedding day but now I won't feel tired afterwards. I have that extra energy for the end of the night when our clients ask us to dance with them, or stay and party and demand we put our cameras away. Like our groom a couple weeks ago handing me their hotel room key and saying "Go, Now, put the gear away and come back and celebrate with us".
I've always struggled with the self esteem in regards to body and I can't believe I thought I was over weight in high school. I wish I took that useless energy in believing how awful I looked and put it towards anything useful like this., how can you not love penguins in sweaters? But then University happened, and meeting a boy... and then eating like a boy... and well.. that usually doesn't go well, especially when said boy has a light speed metabolism. I managed to join a fitness group a couple years back and loved it, kept it up and then we bought our house (yes, an over due blog post about that too). And if you've bought a home you know exactly what I'm talking about with stress of looking constantly, and going to showings not to mention bidding wars, offers, inspections and all the joys that come along with buying a home. I really thought It would be more like the white picket fence experience and my house would look like the one from 'father of the bride'. Nay, Nay. Not in Vancouver (Fraser Valley). Our's is more of a 80/90's flare with the hint of "Reno Me" like a mini van with the words 'wash me' marked on the back window. But don't get me wrong I love our home. It's ours. And truly it's our first place of our own. But during said time, I was stressed to the max, nervous and we may have consumed more wine than ever, and felt down without the desire to take care of my self with fitness. But I'm back and feeling so much better, optimistic and eating clean!
So What's new?
- We got a house!
- I'm attempting to become the fitness housewife - you know those ladies you see that leave the house all gym looking but are actually going to a gym in lycra.
- I'm cooking everyday - momma maria would be proud.
- I've been so inspired lately as an artist and so very excited for the weddings this summer
- We're photographing in Banff this winter - SO STOKED! I've always wanted to go to Banff!
- I know it's summer but I'm so incredible excited for Christmas at our place. It drives Verlon crazy when I talk about Christmas in the summer. Trees, wreaths, decorations and fireplace oh my!
So amidst all the busy, we've managed to keep up with each other and this past Canada Day, we were kids again, big kids. It was so nice to celebrate the holiday with each other and enjoy having our back yard. We were sitting outside and I asked Verlon what we should do, and he jokingly said "Waterfight" and I said "Your On". So out came the water balloons and our capture the flag game was born with the 'loser' having to clean ALL the bathrooms. I thought it was a very grown up strategy. I thought it was a good plan, till we tied, and ended up dunked in a kiddie pool, yes a children's pool may or may not have been purchased... without the kiddies. And it was in those moments that I just felt so thankful that I was blessed with a partner who 'plays' and wants to connect. With the summer nights being so lovely lately we've cuddled outside on our daybed till bedtime just listening to music. Those are my favourite kind of nights with my best friend.
So with that, my ordinary life that I feel is quite extraordinary is shared with you all. A tiny glimpse of us behind the scenes. Now onto prepping for tomorrow's wedding!