Married Mondays - Dating in Covid - Wine Tasting - Domaine de Chaberton, Langley, BC

 Welcome to another Married Mondays! Today we're going to talk about the latest date we went on - Wine Tasting during Covid at Domaine de Chaberton and how much fun it was! If you're like us, dating right now might seem complicated and romance is difficult to come by with the restrictions in place - but believe me, it just takes getting creative and leaning into things you both enjoy doing while staying safe.

This date was V who planned it. He did awesome and made arrangements with Domaine de Chaberton - a fantastic winery in South Langley - you may have heard of their famous local wine Bacchus at local restaurants. We had a private tasting room that was safely set up and spend the late afternoon sampling Domaine de Chaberton's collection and talking all things wine with Ed (ask for Ed, he's great!). We talked about sampling local wines, what makes oak and steel barrels different while dreaming of the day when we can travel again internationally to sample wines. Domaine de Chaberton grows grapes locally in the Fraser Valley and also brings in grapes from the Okanagan Valley and from Nk'Imp in Osoyoos (one of our favourite places). 

If you're looking for a covid friendly activity to do as a couple - look no further than wine tasting at Domaine de Chaberton in South Langley! Want to make it an adventure engagement session? Bring us along! Wine tasting and walk through the vines with your fiancé and we will be there to document it with engagement photos for the two of you! Have an 'adventure' couple's session with us.

In the past, we've even shot weddings in the vines at Domaine de Chaberton! They've got beautiful North to South Vines and a fantastic cellar. You can book this property for private photography. 

Photos from our date day taken on iPhone in Domaine de Chaberton Private Tasting Room

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