I'd like to say that I've always been an outdoorsy camp fire loving gal - totally not true. I never went camping as a kid, my parent's idea of camping was a hotel. Then I met Verlon, a MEC addict, hike loving, snow camping, wilderness loving man. So, naturally I'm getting introduce to camping. I'll just say an outhouse is a luxury going camping with Verlon.
So this past weekend we did 'drive to camping' and if you know me, you'll know that I manage to fit almost everything in our SUV and the kitchen sink. Okay, maybe not the kitchen sink, but I tried to bring the Tassimo machine. That's right, I won't have 3G signal but I'll have a latte! Plans were later foiled as I forgot to bring a more powerful adapter. I may be a city girl, but I think I have a special place for camping.
We relaxed in the afternoon sun on Saturday afternoon, no technology between us and Ver's family - just good quality time. No places to be, just relax and enjoy. Our camp site had a view of Nahatlatch lake; a beautiful camp site off an old logging road. It was a beautiful places I would probably never see on my own. It was beautiful snow capped mountains surrounding the lake. We even managed to gather our courage to go for a quick dip in the freezing lake. Nahatlatch is far off the path so it wasn't crowded like a regular camp site. At night the stars illuminated the night sky like nothing I've ever seen before. But as I mentioned I'm a city girl, and whenever I heard a rustling in the trees or a branch snapping I was pretty much certain it was a cougar, or a bear - okay, it was only a raccoon but still. From going from city noise to absolute quiet is the wildest thing when your not use to it - there's only nature to hear.
Camping was actually really relaxing despite my reluctant attitude towards missing a daily shower. Finally we could just relax and soak up the sun. There was no rushing around and we had the perfect water view to enjoy. Sometimes you just need to go somewhere without distractions to just centre yourselves and reconnect. It was such an appreciated break.
Meralee(Verlon's sister)'s little one |
Me & Verlon's neice |
Set up the settings for Daniel (Ver's cousin) to take this photo of us in front of Grizzly Falls |
That light blue SUV in the centre is where we camped |
Grizzly Falls, BC |
Our view from our campsite |